

Whole group math lesson.

I hold myself to a high standard of professionalism. Professional teachers model moral standards such as honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, confidentiality, respect, and integrity. Professional teachers always tell the truth in a candid manner and are dependable and reliable both in and out of classroom. Teachers must be impartial without favoritism or discrimination and hold both students and fellow employees with a high regard. Although there are various means of demonstrating the standard of professionalism, three of the most important ways are (1) adhering to federal and state laws, school policies, and ethical guidelines; (2) incorporating learning from professional growth opportunities into instructional practice; and (3) building positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication.


  • Attached is a copy of my midterm teacher evaluation by my supervising teacher, this evaluation exhibits my professionalism.  *Evaluation
  • Copy of the letter I sent home to parents introducing myself and creating a line of communication. *Communication with Parents
  • I incorporated what I learned from a professional workshop, offered by Roanoke County, to improve my small word study groups.  *Beth Estill Workshop